8D – A disciplined problem solving approach.

8D is a very common term in problem solving whose purpose is to identify, correct and eliminate recurring problems. Any internal or external issues can be solved using an 8D approach. Many OEM’s now a days use 8D for their internal problem solving and insist their suppliers for following the approach as well. 8D is based on the logic of PDCA cycle.
  •   History of 8D:

Origin of 8D dates back to 1974 when US Department of Defense released “MIL STD1520” for Corrective Action and Disposition system for Non confirming materials.
This was further developed by Ford Motors Company in 1987 and a revised version was named as Global 8D in 1990.

The 8 disciplines of 8D are as follows:

  • ·         D1: Form a Team

Form a team of people (usually CFT) with proper product and process knowledge.  Operators can also be included in the team as they have actual processing knowledge.

  • ·         D2: Describe the problem

A problem should be defined correctly and accurately. The problem description should address What is the problem, When was it noticed, Where was it noticed, How many parts have the problem.

  • ·         D2B: Analysis for non detection

Non detection basically focuses on how the defects get escaped from your final inspection. Why - Why analysis can be used to identify the root cause for escape of defect.

  • ·         D3: Immediate Containment Actions

Define and implement the containment actions to avoid further problems. Generally, the actions are Hold / Segregate / Rework or Reject. Actions should be implemented at all places where the parts can be found for e.g. at customer, WIP, Store, Warehouse etc.

  • ·         D4: Determine Root cause and its analysis (Defect Generation)

This is the most important stage in 8D methodology. Cause and Effect diagram or Why - Why analysis can be used for prioritizing possible causes to probable causes and probable causes to root causes.

  • ·         D5: Define Permanent Corrective Actions

Permanent corrective actions shall be taken on the root causes identified at both Non detection and defect generation stages. These actions should be validated to prevent any further defects and that it resolves the problem.

  • ·         D6: Implement the corrective actions

Implement the corrective actions taken on the root cause by defining target dates and responsibilities.

  • ·         D7: Define and Implement Preventive Actions

Preventive actions are those which are taken on the failure modes of Corrective actions. In other words, actions taken to prevent the similar failure in future. Standardize these actions in the system and deploy horizontally to other similar parts also.
  • D8: Congratulate the Team

Recognize the sublime efforts taken by the team.

  • Benefits of 8D:

·         Effective approach towards root cause analysis and developing proper actions.

·         It also helps to understand why the problem got escaped.

·         Implementation of corrective and Preventive actions helps to systemize the actions to prevent similar defects from occurring.


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